Top Ten Tuesday

10:11:00 5 Comments A+ a-

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish held every Tuesday. Each week revolves round a different theme and people from the book blogsphere pitch in with their lists. 

This weeks theme is the Top 10 characters I would want with me on a deserted island. I could only think of 8 (although number 8 consists of 2 characters) I would really want with me. I've chosen a mixture of useful characters, characters that would provide some entertainment and also one purely for my own personal gain.

Top Ten Tuesday

13:26:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish held every Tuesday. Each week revolves round a different theme and people from the book blogsphere pitch in with their lists. 

This week instead of focusing on books the theme is our top ten TV shows and movies. Whilst I do do a lot of vegging out in front of the TV, I don't really concentrate on watching a whole load of TV shows. The TV is normally there as background noise whilst I'm catching up on YouTube videos or browsing social media. That being said I'm going to split the list in half and list five TV shows and five movies that I consider to be my favourites.

The Role of the School Library

10:00:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Yesterday the All Party’s Parliamentary Group for Libraries published a report titled ‘The Beating Heart of the School’ which calls for a good library in every school. With 1 in 6 adults in the UK struggling with literacy skills, the APPG for Libraries chairman Lord Graham Cope CBE believes that ‘that school libraries and librarians contribute an enormous amount to educational attainment’ but he argues that ‘the case must be strengthened.’

The reports goes on to list the following four recommendations:

·         That annual data collected by the Department of Education include the school library and its staff.
·         That an examination is held into the role school libraries and librarians play in supporting student’s academic and personal development.
·         That Ofsted inspections and reports includes an inspection of school libraries.
·         That the Department of Education has a dedicated member of staff acting as lead for libraries, who will support both teachers and librarians.

I think the most striking aspect about this report for me is the fact that libraries in schools are not a statutory requirement. Whilst I may have thought this for Primary Schools as they tend to be smaller, I was surprised that it was not a requirement for Secondary Schools, especially as some also incorporate Sixth Forms, with students studying for their A Levels. It was also surprising to learn that only 17% of the libraries surveyed have enough computers/laptops for an average class. With so much focus being put on ICT skills I thought that this statistic would be a lot higher. The sad reality of budget freezes and cuts is also highlighted in the report, hinting at the possibility that school libraries are undervalued within schools.

Top Ten Tuesday

22:10:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish held every Tuesday. Each week revolves round a different theme and people from the book blogsphere pitch in with their lists. 

This week the theme is Top 10 Classic Books.
Now, ashamedly, I haven't actually read that many classics. This is somthing that I want to remedy and have a whole plethora of classics on my ever-expanding TBR list. 
That being said I thought I would list 5 Classics that I have read and enjoyed and also 5 Classics that I want to read/plan on reading in the future!