Top Ten Tuesday

10:03:00 2 Comments A+ a-

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish held every Tuesday. Each week revolves round a different theme and people from the book blogsphere pitch in with their lists. 

This weeks theme is the Top Ten books that were hard for me to read. All but one of them are books that I had to read for university, as you can imagine studying an English Literature degree means that I came into contact with some pretty difficult/challenging books!

Top Ten Tuesday

11:00:00 2 Comments A+ a-

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish held every Tuesday. Each week revolves round a different theme and people from the book blogsphere pitch in with their lists. 

This weeks theme is the Top Ten Books on my Fall to-be-read list. There's only one new release on my list, all the other books are ones that I have been meaning to get around to reading for a long time.

Revenge of the Zeds by Stewart Ross

20:41:00 0 Comments A+ a-

The Soterion has been opened, but does it mean salvation or devastation? A horrific mutation in human DNA has resulted in a world where no one lives beyond nineteen. Cyrus and the noble Constants have opened the Soterion vault containing the Long Dead’s secrets of science, art and possibly even the cure to the mutation. First, Cyrus must teach the Constants to read. But those he calls friends are falling prey to the greed and power knowledge can bring. Meanwhile, the barbaric Zeds are massing against them, determined to take the Soterion for themselves and destroy everything the Constants have built.
(Synopsis from

When I learnt that there was going to be a sequel to Stewart Ross's The Soterion Mission I knew right away that I needed to get my hands on a copy. Curious Fox kindly sent me a copy to review and I am so glad they did!

In my review for The Soterion Mission I spoke about the importance of the dystopian genre in Young Adult literature. I am a strong advocate for books that challenge and that present readers with situations that stimulate debate. 

Revenge of the Zeds does just that. And then some.

The Soterion Mission by Stewart Ross

11:24:00 1 Comments A+ a-

I am almost finished with the second book in the series, which is titled 'Revenge of the Zeds' and my review will be up by the end of the week. Whilst you're waiting why not check out my review of the first book: 'The Soterion Mission' . . . 


In a post-apocalyptic world where no-one lives beyond their teenage years, the mysterious Roxanne arrives in Cyrus’s village, fleeing the barbaric Zeds. She claims to be on a mission that can save them all, but can she be trusted? Cyrus joins her in her quest for the legendary Soterion, but the Zeds are determined to get there first.
                                                                    (Synopsis from Amazon UK)

I am a firm believer that dystopian fiction has an important place amongst the Young Adult genre. Having read all the bench mark dystopian novels such as ‘The Hunger Games’ and ‘Divergent’ along with their counterparts I think that dystopian fiction allows the reader to evaluate society.

‘The Soterion Mission’ is another one of those thought provoking novels.