Revenge of the Zeds by Stewart Ross
The Soterion has been opened, but does it mean salvation or devastation? A horrific mutation in human DNA has resulted in a world where no one lives beyond nineteen. Cyrus and the noble Constants have opened the Soterion vault containing the Long Dead’s secrets of science, art and possibly even the cure to the mutation. First, Cyrus must teach the Constants to read. But those he calls friends are falling prey to the greed and power knowledge can bring. Meanwhile, the barbaric Zeds are massing against them, determined to take the Soterion for themselves and destroy everything the Constants have built.
(Synopsis from
When I learnt that there was going to be a sequel to Stewart Ross's The Soterion Mission I knew right away that I needed to get my hands on a copy. Curious Fox kindly sent me a copy to review and I am so glad they did!
In my review for The Soterion Mission I spoke about the importance of the dystopian genre in Young Adult literature. I am a strong advocate for books that challenge and that present readers with situations that stimulate debate.
Revenge of the Zeds does just that. And then some.