The Harry Potter tag
I am currently sat watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban so I thought I would do the Harry Potter tag! I found the tag after watching Amy's video on her YouTube channel ShoutAme. So let's get on with the tag!
1.Favourite book - Prisoner of Azkaban. It was the first Harry Potter book I was introduced too. My year five teacher would read books to the class before the end of the school day and one of those was POA. I was completely hooked from then. I also love Deathly Hallows but I think POA will always be my favourite because it's how I met Harry. Plus we get to meet Remus and Sirius!
2.Favourite movie - At risk of sounding repetitive I have to say POA again, closely followed by Goblet of Fire. I love the way Alfonso Cuaron directed POA, everything about it just feels and looks how I imagined the Wizarding World to be. I love GOF because of the Yule Ball scenes and the humour that was added.