The Wednesday Wishlist #1

Anyone who knows me really well will know that New Look is my go to shop for ANYTHING. Seriously, ask me on any day of the week where I got my outfit from and I guarantee that at least two of the things I am wearing are from New Look.
I adore the shop because it offers great quality, good looking clothing for a very reasonable price. You can walk into their high street stores and know that you are going to find something you'll love.
I have been known to walk in and spend £90 in ten minutes (oh student loan how I miss you so) and one thing I L.O.V.E doing is browsing their website whenever a new season comes in as I just know I will be dribbling over all new clothes.
This is exactly what I did when their AW15 collection appeared in all it's glory.
Autumn/Winter is my favourite time of year for one main reason.
I admit that I am a little obsessed with all things knitwear. Anything that looks remotely cosy and it is immediately on my wishlist. Knitwear along with coats, boots and scarves are enough to get me weak at the knees when it comes to fashion.
I thought I would share with you my little Winter Wishlist that I created whilst mentally spending all my money on the New Look website the other night.
Let me know if you see anything that takes your fancy!!